Every Day is a New Day
Show Host and Authentic Confidence Coach Kim O’Neill has inspirational conversations about moving forward and choosing to be more of You. Guest episodes feature inspiring and uplifting people from various backgrounds. Solo episodes often include readings of inspirational or spiritual book excerpts along with card pulls. Watch video episodes on YouTube and Facebook on the Kim O’Neill - Every Day is a New Day page (@KimONeillCoaching); podcast episodes where you listen to podcasts.

Friday Oct 27, 2023
217: Alexia Jasmene - How Storytelling Opens Minds & Softens Hearts
Friday Oct 27, 2023
Friday Oct 27, 2023
How can storytelling open minds and soften hearts? Alexia Jasmene and I will do a deep dive into this topic this Thursday. Join us!
🌟 GUEST: Alexia Jasmene is a queer trans actor/musician/comedian/poet who believes in the power of stories to open the hardest minds and soften the hardest hearts. You can hear her voice as Valeria in the English dub of “Veneno” on Max, formerly HBOMax, or you may have seen her perform her self-written role of Dawn Langley Simmons in both renditions of “Tales of the Trancestors.” She’s worked in several theaters in Chicago, and today can be found working in Los Angeles on her queer western passion project, performing stand-up or performing her music or poems. Whichever medium she uses, Alexia hopes her work as a storyteller brings joy and healing to those it resonates with, wherever they may be in their journey.
Watch this interview in video format on:
* FB: @KimONeillCoaching
* YouTube: https://youtu.be/CdB2lH2Z07U
* Audio / Podcast replays on ApplePodcasts, Spotify and many more the day after.
* Learn more about the Every Day is a New Day Show at KimONeillCoaching.com
* Connect with Kim on IG: @KimONeill.EveryDayIsANewDay
* Join the Let Your Light Shine Movement: LetYourLightShineMovement.com
#storytelling #openmind #softheart #brave #leadership #bethechange #AlexiaJasmene #TransActress #transgender #inspirationalwomen #EveryDayisaNewDay #podcast #October2023

Friday Sep 22, 2023
Finding Your Voice after Receiving ”Bad” News - Inspirational Message
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Have you ever received some unexpected and unpleasant news -- that left you feeling like you lost your power or even lost your voice in the situation?
Today's conversation and card pulls are originating from that concept.
To purchase some of the items featured in this video:
* BOOK: "Sunday Ink" - https://www.amazon.com/Sunday-Ink-Works-Uptown-Writers/dp/145283542X
* Every Day is a New Day Cards: https://www.makeplayingcards.com/sell/every-day-is-a-new-day
*** This is also an episode of the EVERY DAY IS A NEW DAY Podcast / Show. Listen to this and other episodes on YouTube (link below) or on your favorite podcast platform.
******* Are you in the process of reclaiming who you authentically are? Reconnecting to your inner light and learning how to self-lovingly move forward?
I provide authentic confidence coaching and custom meditations for strong, heart-centered women who feel like they've lost themselves and would love to reclaim their authentic, vibrant self; feel empowered again; and learn how to self-lovingly move forward. Learn more how I can support you at https://www.kimoneillcoaching.com/ .
* Schedule your free coaching consultation at https://kimoneillcoaching.as.me/FreeCoffeeChat
FB: @KimONeillCoaching
IG: @kimoneill.everydayisanewday
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/KimONeill
* Join the Let Your Light Shine Movement: LetYourLightShineMovement.com
* Would you like to "buy me a coffee" and support this work? https://www.buymeacoffee.com/KimONeill
Donations are always welcome, but never required.
#movingforward #EveryDayisaNewDay #Inspiration #findingyourvoice #speakyourtruth #reclaimyourpower #takeyourpowerback #useyourvoice #youarepowerful

Friday Sep 15, 2023
216: 10 Million for World Peace - MarBeth Dunn & Teri Angel
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Here I speak with the co-founders of TEN MILLION FOR WORLD PEACE and talk about the power of meditation and the mission of this transformational non-profit!
🌟 GUESTS: Spiritual teachers MarBeth Dunn & Teri Angel are co-founders of the non-profit Ten Million for World Peace. Their mission is to gather ten million individuals in a Unified Field of Consciousness to meditate for world peace, with a special focus on world leaders so they can lead our planet with greater awareness and integrity into peace and harmony. MarBeth is also a renowned meditation expert, Intuitive Energy Management Specialist and Miracles Mentor; and Teri is also a Certified Happiness Life Coach, Death Doula and Business Coach.
Watch this interview in video format on:
* FB: @KimONeillCoaching
* YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/live/oDX8kAuMDYM?si=73ZxEqWVbdfzO60f
* Audio / Podcast replays on ApplePodcasts, Spotify and many more the day after.
* Learn more about the Every Day is a New Day Show at KimONeillCoaching.com
* Connect with Kim on IG: @KimONeill.EveryDayIsANewDay
* Join the Let Your Light Shine Movement: LetYourLightShineMovement.com
#meditation #worldpeace #leadership #bethechange #miracleshappen #deliberatecreator #MarBethDunn #TeriAngel #EveryDayisaNewDay #podcast #inspirationalwomen #September2023 #meditationworks

Friday Sep 01, 2023
215: Carrie West - From an Ordinary Life to an Extraordinary Life!
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Hear Carrie West and I talk about changing the stories we tell ourselves in order to go from an ordinary life to an extraordinary life!
🌟 GUEST: Carrie West is a transformational coach and the author of “Memoir of An Ordinary Person and Her Journey to an Extraordinary Life.” Carrie has transformed her life from the trauma, panic and rejection she endured from her first breath on earth to now living as a thriving, successful adult. Today Carrie helps her clients learn to change their lives by understanding the stories they tell themselves, the stories that hold them back from living a life of their dreams. Her coaching program “Awaken to Your Dream Life” does just that, and today we’re going to hear more of the inspirational and empowering wisdom Carrie has to share with us.
Watch this interview in video format on: * FB: @KimONeillCoaching * YouTube: https://youtu.be/tFvvurtlQdk
* Audio / Podcast replays on ApplePodcasts, Spotify and many more the day after.
* Learn more about the Every Day is a New Day Show at KimONeillCoaching.com
* Connect with Kim on IG: @KimONeill.EveryDayIsANewDay
* Join the Let Your Light Shine Movement: LetYourLightShineMovement.com
#ordinary #extraordinary #narrativecoaching #thestorieswetell #transformyourlife #dream #daretodream #dreambig #CarrieWest #EveryDayisaNewDay #podcast #inspirationalwomen

Sunday Jul 16, 2023
You Are Perfectly Imperfect - Inspirational Message
Sunday Jul 16, 2023
Sunday Jul 16, 2023
You are perfectly imperfect.
Today's conversation and card pulls are originating from that one statement.
*** This is also an episode of the EVERY DAY IS A NEW DAY Podcast / Show. Listen to this and other episodes on YouTube (link below) or on your favorite podcast platform.
* Every Day is a New Day Cards: https://www.makeplayingcards.com/sell/every-day-is-a-new-day
******* Are you in the process of reclaiming who you authentically are? Reconnecting to your inner light and learning how to self-lovingly move forward?
I provide authentic confidence coaching and custom meditations for strong, heart-centered women who feel like they've lost themselves and would love to reclaim their authentic, vibrant self; feel empowered again; and learn how to self-lovingly move forward. Learn more how I can support you at https://www.kimoneillcoaching.com/ .
* Schedule your free coaching consultation at https://kimoneillcoaching.as.me/FreeCoffeeChat
FB: @KimONeillCoaching
IG: @kimoneill.everydayisanewday
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/KimONeill
* Join the Let Your Light Shine Movement: LetYourLightShineMovement.com
* Would you like to "buy me a coffee" and support this work? https://www.buymeacoffee.com/KimONeill
Donations are always welcome, but never required.
#movingforward #EveryDayisaNewDay #Inspiration #perfectionism #perfectlyimperfect

Friday Jul 14, 2023
214: Souli Yates - Vibrational Alignment with Source, in Your Business
Friday Jul 14, 2023
Friday Jul 14, 2023
Hear Souli Yates and I talk about being true to yourself so you experience greater alignment with Source, and how that relates to greater fullfilment and alignment in the work you do, as well.
🌟 GUEST: Souli Yates is an advanced Channel, the Founder of Heartspace and a featured author in the newly released book “Success with Source.” Souli helps spiritual seekers to accelerate their awakening journey by connecting them with their true purpose; inner wisdom; and Higher-Self. She helps to equip her clients in navigating life with ease, heightened awareness and a genuine acceptance of themselves and others through heart-centered communication and the transformative power of unconditional love. Souli firmly believes that living from the heart not only benefits individuals but also has a positive ripple effect on the entire world.
Watch this interview in video format on: * FB: @KimONeillCoaching * YouTube: https://youtu.be/tFvvurtlQdk
* Audio / Podcast replays on ApplePodcasts, Spotify and many more the day after.
* Learn more about the Every Day is a New Day Show at KimONeillCoaching.com
* Connect with Kim on IG: @KimONeill.EveryDayIsANewDay
* Join the Let Your Light Shine Movement: LetYourLightShineMovement.com
#vibration #vibrationalalignment #alignmentwithsource #successwithsource #newbook #dowhatyoulove #fulfillment #loveyourwork #channeling #openchannel #SouliYates #movingforward #inspirationalwomen #EveryDayisaNewDay #podcast

Sunday Jul 09, 2023
How Do You Move Forward When You Don’t Know How? - Inspirational Message
Sunday Jul 09, 2023
Sunday Jul 09, 2023
How do you move forward when you don't know how?
Today's conversation and card pulls are originating from that one question.
*** This is also an episode of the EVERY DAY IS A NEW DAY Podcast / Show. Listen to this and other episodes on YouTube (link below) or on your favorite podcast platform.
* Every Day is a New Day Cards: https://www.makeplayingcards.com/sell/every-day-is-a-new-day
******* Are you in the process of reclaiming who you authentically are? Reconnecting to your inner light and learning how to self-lovingly move forward?
I provide authentic confidence coaching and custom meditations for strong, heart-centered women who feel like they've lost themselves and would love to reclaim their authentic, vibrant self; feel empowered again; and learn how to self-lovingly move forward. Learn more how I can support you at https://www.kimoneillcoaching.com/ .
* Schedule your free coaching consultation at https://kimoneillcoaching.as.me/FreeCoffeeChat
FB: @KimONeillCoaching
IG: @kimoneill.everydayisanewday
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/KimONeill
* Join the Let Your Light Shine Movement: LetYourLightShineMovement.com
* Would you like to "buy me a coffee" and support this work? https://www.buymeacoffee.com/KimONeill
Donations are always welcome, but never required.
#movingforward #EveryDayisaNewDay #Inspiration

Friday Jul 07, 2023
213: Sharla Shults - The Healing Power & Poetry of Mother Nature
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Hear Sharla Lee Shults and I talk about how she reclaimed her authentic self and healed through nature and poetry. This interview had so many synchronicities! More evidence that all things are connected.
🌟 GUEST: Sharla Shults is the #1 bestselling author of Catnip of Life – a poetry book that highlights the healing powers of Mother Nature. As a former high school math and chemistry teacher, education curriculum developer for teachers, and online learning specialist, Sharla eventually realized she was most passionate about discovering she’s a poetic mathematician! To date, Sharla has published 3 other books with 3 more in the works and has a chapter featured in the upcoming book The INside Effects, How the Body Heals Itself by Keith Leon S. which has a film by the same title that will be released July 2023.
Watch this interview in video format on: * FB: @KimONeillCoaching * YouTube: https://youtu.be/Rx6r1coPBpM
* Audio / Podcast replays on ApplePodcasts, Spotify and many more the day after.
* Learn more about the Every Day is a New Day Show at KimONeillCoaching.com
* Connect with Kim on IG: @KimONeill.EveryDayIsANewDay
* Join the Let Your Light Shine Movement: LetYourLightShineMovement.com
#healingjourney #poetry #catnipoflife #SharlaShults #theINsideeffects #synchronicities #movingforward #inspirationalwomen #EveryDayisaNewDay #podcast

Friday Jun 30, 2023
212: Joan McDermott - From Alcoholic Nun to Inspiring Grief Coach
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Friday Jun 30, 2023
The more I learned about Joan McDermott's inspirational story of moving forward, I knew I had to invite her back! This time, hear Joan's story of how she transitioned from being an alcoholic nun to discovering new ways she could "serve the people."
🌟 GUEST: Joan McDermott is a Grief Coach and the author of “Clearing Space for Grace: Finding New Life After Loss.” Joan also has a background in Psychotherapy, Master Addictions Counseling, Spiritual Direction, Teaching and Child Care Work. After having helped many traumatized and grieving clients, and on the heels of her own recent multiple losses, Joan was able to find a way up and out of the emotional landslide and painful self-pity that began to own her. As she took responsibility for her healing, committed to living in gratitude and joy, she rediscovered herself and once again became a free agent. These days her deepest desire is to share the process that helped her with other grieving women who know they need help and want to move forward.
Watch this interview in video format on: * FB: @KimONeillCoaching * YouTube: https://youtu.be/bU_wQ3reOuM
* Audio / Podcast replays on ApplePodcasts, Spotify and many more the day after.
* Learn more about the Every Day is a New Day Show at KimONeillCoaching.com
* Connect with Kim on IG: @KimONeill.EveryDayIsANewDay
* Join the Let Your Light Shine Movement: LetYourLightShineMovement.com
#griefcoach #servingthepeople #healingjourney #transformationalnun #inspiringnun #nunstory #movingforward #JoanMcDermott #inspirationalwomen #EveryDayisaNewDay #podcast

Friday Jun 23, 2023
211: Nasrin Barbic - Become ”the One” to Attract ”the one” Relationship
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Hear Nasrin Barbic and I talk about becoming "the One" to attract "the one!"
🌟 GUEST: Nasrin Barbic is an expert in love and relationships and coaches single and coupled women helping them to become the one so they can attract or keep the one! Nasrin is also an International Best Selling Author, Transformational Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master and former Nasa Engineer. Nasrin blends traditional coaching methods, scientifically proven techniques, and deep healing through hypnotherapy and energy work to help clients release mental, physical, and spiritual blocks to success in all areas of their life. She also has a bachelor's degree in Computer Science and a master's degree in Information Technology Management.
Watch this interview in video format on: * FB: @KimONeillCoaching * YouTube: https://youtu.be/ajiIpDys8ag
* Audio / Podcast replays on ApplePodcasts, Spotify and many more the day after.
* Learn more about the Every Day is a New Day Show at KimONeillCoaching.com
* Connect with Kim on IG: @KimONeill.EveryDayIsANewDay
* Join the Let Your Light Shine Movement: LetYourLightShineMovement.com
#selflove #relationshipcoach #lawofattractioncoach #attractinglove #becomingtheone #findtheone #youthrolemodel #relationshiphelp #relationshiphope #relationshiptips #NasrinBarbic #inspirationalwomen #EveryDayisaNewDay #podcast #fallinginloveagain #ariseinlove

Friday Jun 16, 2023
210: Tom Murphy - Empowering Youth & Overcoming Hopelessness
Friday Jun 16, 2023
Friday Jun 16, 2023
Hear Tom Murphy and I talk about empowering youth and showing them HOW to be an advocate for their peers to prevent bullying; increasing hope; accepting others who are different from us; and overall promote more of a positive culture in schools.
🌟 GUEST: Tom Murphy has dedicated his life to combating HOPElessness. He is the Co-Founder of Sweethearts & Heroes, a game-changing organization seeking to bring awareness to the fear and anxiety many of our youth experience on a daily basis and challenges everyone to move from a bystander into a more empowered role as a Sweetheart or Hero - those who give HOPE to the hopeless and Jump into Action when no one else does. Through his organization, Tom helps kids who are wrestling with self-destructive decisions and helps them to gain the meaning and acceptance they need from others around them, promoting a positive culture in schools and communities, and preventing things like bullying and mistreating those we perceive as different from ourselves. To-date, Tom has reached over 2-million students, teachers and parents across the United States and Canada through Sweethearts & Heroes’ powerful presentations, workshops, training programs and books.
Watch this interview in video format on: * FB: @KimONeillCoaching * YouTube: https://youtu.be/i25QqNEj7fA
* Audio / Podcast replays on ApplePodcasts, Spotify and many more the day after.
* Learn more about the Every Day is a New Day Show at KimONeillCoaching.com
* Connect with Kim on IG: @KimONeill.EveryDayIsANewDay
* Join the Let Your Light Shine Movement: LetYourLightShineMovement.com
#youthempowerment #antibullying #beahero #showkidshow #youthrolemodel #youthleadership #HOPE #acceptingothers #sweetheartsandheroes #TomMurphy #inspirationalmen #affectiveteachers #EveryDayisaNewDay #podcast

Friday Jun 09, 2023
209: Wendy Santana - From Medically Retired to Brain Tumor Advocate
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Hear Wendy Santana and I talk about her experience of transitioning from being a workaholic to discovering she had a brain tumor; becoming medically retired and eventually returning back to work full time; and the evolution of her healing journey that led to understanding the value of acceptance, gratitude and mindfulness in everyday life. So inspiring!
🌟 GUEST: Wendy Santana is a brain cancer survivor, author, blogger and advocate for brain tumor awareness and survivors. In 2015 while recovering from a craniotomy and re-learning how to walk, talk and drive again she published her first children’s book, “That Thing on My Mom’s Brain.” In 2017 Wendy experienced another medical setback and began to advocate for others experiencing brain injuries by launching her blog 2nd Chance 2 Live; and in 2021, she began her advocacy campaign A Face of Strength. Prior to Wendy’s brain injury, she was a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) for non-profit organizations; and in 2023, after being medically retired for 8 years, Wendy became the American Brain Tumor Association’s (ABTA) first ever Community Manager of Development, Western Region where she gets to continue to build awareness, support and partnerships for the ABTA and brain tumor awareness.
Watch this interview in video format on: * FB: @KimONeillCoaching * YouTube: https://youtu.be/VJTuJVCT7CI
* Audio / Podcast replays on ApplePodcasts, Spotify and many more the day after.
* Learn more about the Every Day is a New Day Show at KimONeillCoaching.com
* Connect with Kim on IG: @KimONeill.EveryDayIsANewDay
* Join the Let Your Light Shine Movement: LetYourLightShineMovement.com
#braintumor #braincancer #workaholic #aphasia #bepresent #medicallyretired #AmericanBrainTumorAssociation #healingjourney #everythingispossible #braintumoradvocate #WendySantana #inspirationalwomen #overcomingadversity #survivorstories #EveryDayisaNewDay #podcast #GoGrayinMay